Start at Newport Beach, CA, March 1, 1998. We touched the back wheel in the Pacific ocean with plans to touch the front wheel into the Atlantic ocean. We left early.
Jackrabbit trail, near Los Angeles. Closed to vehicle traffic. Nice.
First night, camped in Morongo Valley.
Day 2. Leaving Morongo Valley with BIG hill ahead.
Just past 29 Palms
City of Amboy, out in the middle of nowhere but at least they had a motel and cafe. Menu for cafe was anything you want as long as it's a ham sandwich on white bread!
Day 3. Amboy to Needles, CA.
Day 4. Entered Arizona early in the day.
First night in Arizona we camped beside the freeway, down an embankment.
Day 5. Arizona
Jake calls home.
Day 6.
Another flat!!!
Visitor center for Petrified Forest, we used it as a rest stop.
Day 8.
Continental Divide in New Mexico.
Pueblo along freeway in New Mexico.
This sign is called a "wedgie" (note wedge under truck) and signifies long downhill. We loved wedgies!
Entering Albuquerque New Mexico where we stocked up on tires/tubes and spent the night.
Day10. New Mexico.
YA-HOO, another wedgie!!!
Day 11. We got off the freeway in New Mexico and headed North East to Texas.
Jake making love to his bicycle. Being away from home made him like that. Actually, he is fixing a flat.
Gotta be Texas!
Jake fixes another flat.
Day 12.
Day 13. That may look like a "thumbs up" but I'm actually trying to hitch a ride!
Day 14. We camped in Fowler, KS, city park and fairground.
You're in Kansas now Toto. Don't molest the Llamas.
We had an afternoon of R&R at my brother's home in Overland Park, KS.
Day 18. Entered Missouri.
Bait shop in Missouri. The guy that ran the shop seemed a bit crazy but we had fun there.
Day 20. Shortly after we started the ride for the day, we saw a thunderstorm coming. Luckily, we found this bridge where we took shelter just as it hit us. It was ferocious with very strong wind and rain. Fortunately it didn't last too long.
This is were we went down beside the road to our shelter.
Getting up under the bridge abutments provided good shelter.
Bridge across Mississippi river ahead.
End of day 20 in Quincy Illinois where we spent the night.
Day 21.
In motel getting ready to ride.
Leaving Illinois and entering Indiana.
Rest stop. That concrete doesn't feel so bad on the backside!
Day 25.
The 17% grade ahead is the steepest paved road I've ever seen. We came down it.
Nice little town . We rested on steps of church on right.
Day 27.
Jake calls home.
Wipe that smile off your face Jake, we have a LONG way to go.
Day 28.
Finger Lakes, NY.
Day 31. Thunderstorms and tornados were in the area. We were glad to find this motel with concrete block walls. A group of motorcyclist had the same idea, getting shelter for the storm. A tree across the street was hit by lightening. Tornados touched down not too far from us.
JAKE! Quit setting on your ass and you won't wear out your pants! Jake had pants with chamois liners and mine were a synthetic material. The synthetic holds up much better.
Day 32, our destination state.
This was an old railroad bed converted into a bicycle trail. It was about seven miles long and was really neat.
Day 34. Revere Beach, MA with front wheels in the Atlantic ocean. THE END.